Help Us: How Cost-Effective Is the Transformation of Used Plastics into High-Quality Diesel?

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Why do we ask this question?

Many people still don’t know that plastic originates from oil. But if plastic comes from petroleum, what’s to stop the process from being put in reverse? It turns out it’s already happening. A company aptly named “Recycling Technologies” is utilizing a chemical process called thermal cracking to do so. Thermal cracking is typically part of the oil refining process, but Recycling Technologies is using it to break plastic back down into a material they call “Plaxx” which can be used for heavy oil products or remade into other plastics. While it isn’t exactly the same as petroleum, the good news is that it seems to be even better. It’s still under testing, but if successful it could potentially be used to power vehicles like heavy tankers.  With one Recycling Technologies machine capable of processing 7000 tons of plastics per year, the potential to catch up with the world’s enormous production of plastic waste is no longer completely out of sight.


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