How Can I Help Hungry People? These Activities Will Help

In order to effectively fight chronic food deprivation, governments, non-governmental organizations and global leaders across all sectors need to work together to find new solutions to world hunger. Food security means knowing where your next meals are coming from – not just today, but for weeks and months to come. By empowering communities to produce or purchase their own food, families can be better equipped to handle future food challenges.

Sustainable Agriculture

A profound shift of our global food production systems is needed if we are to nourish the 821 million people who are hungry today. It’s time to radically rethink how we grow, share and consume our food. If managed well, our agriculture, forestry and fisheries can provide enough nutritious food for everyone on the planet – while also generating sustainable incomes and protecting the environment. Learn more about World Vision’s work with Farming First, a global coalition for sustainable agricultural development.

Climate Resilience

Our oceans, freshwater sources, forests, soil and biodiversity are rapidly degrading. Climate change continues to put pressure on these valuable resources, while ramping up the risks we face with natural disasters. These extremes and variabilities are expected to persist into the future, so we must find ways to strengthen farming systems and livelihoods around the world. In particular, helping vulnerable communities to build resiliency ensures they can cope when emergencies strike. World Vision helps to provide lifesaving food and nutrition to meet immediate needs during natural crises, while continuing to focus on building long-term resilience in the face of disasters.

Focus on Women

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, women make up 45 per cent of the agricultural labour force in developing countries. Yet these women are not treated the same as their male counterparts. They routinely face more extreme poverty, less education, competing priorities and have less access or control over land and resources. By closing the gender gap, women can be empowered to feed their families, grow nutritious food, expand their businesses and participate in agricultural markets.

World Vision is also a leader in the 1000 Day Journey, a development program that works to ensure mothers and their children get proper nutrition in the first 1000 days of their lives – from conception to the child’s second birthday. With a strong focus on dietary diversification, nutrition and micronutrients, this program enables women to help reduce the number of children who face malnutrition – dramatically altering the future of their families and communities.

Mayra and César’s family lost everything in the April 2016 earthquake. WFP assistance has helped them get through the emergency. Photo: WFP/Alexander Houghton

What can I do to help?

World hunger can seem like one of those insurmountable problems, too big for any of us to fix. But by making changes in our own lives – at home, at work, in our communities – we too can contribute to finding world hunger solutions. Together, we can build a world where meals are shared, everyone has a seat at the table and there is always enough food to go around.

Shop and eat local

The average Canadian meal travels 3,000 km before reaching our plates. By shopping at local farmers’ markets or growing our own herbs and vegetables, we can make more sustainable food choices while taking actionable steps towards good health and nutrition.

Aim for zero food waste

We all have a part to play in reducing the 1.3 billion tons of food that goes to waste each year. Rather than losing a third of the world’s food production to the garbage can, we can take small, attainable steps like cooking and sharing meals with others or composting our leftovers.

Take humanitarian Action

In the aftermath of natural disasters, vulnerable communities around the globe require immediate food and nutrition assistance. Where communities face chronic shortages, your gift to World Vision’s food programs help provide nutritious school meals and life-saving food packets to children most in need. Lastly, by sponsoring a child, you can help eradicate extreme hunger for that child and his or her family and community.


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