Help Us: How Successful Is the Technique of Mimicking Leaf Litter?

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Why do we ask this question?

Bruno Rutman Pagnocelli grew up in Brazil and saw first hand the devastating deforestation that was occurring. He realized that planting and maintaining trees in remote areas such as the forests of Brazil was slow, inefficient and even dangerous in many cases. So inspired to do something innovative Bruno looked to nature for the answer. This way of innovating is known as ‘biomimicry’, and is the concept of taking ideas and copying processes found in the natural world and applying that to technology and innovation.

Bruno’s idea was ‘Nucleario’ an all-in-one reforestation solution which mimics the function of leaf litter. Natural leaf litter provides many useful functions to tree saplings such as preventing soil washing away, keeping moisture levels high and protecting from predators and invasive species. This device cuts down on the maintenance and fertilizer requirement to get the new trees started and it also increases the success rates dramatically.


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